Fall Projects ‘22

Cast List

Broadway Workshop

Thank you to all who auditioned! Your directors should be in touch with you shortly!

The Humans by Stephen Karam, directed by Violeta Sedillo and Jacqueline See-Tho

Bridgid: Clouie Flores

Momo: Lisa Efremoua

Erik: Rohit Divekar

Amy: Safina Syed

Deirdre: Sofia Hussain

Richard: Zak Rahim

Appropriate by Brandon Jacobs-Jenkins, directed by Lucia Perez Rubalcaba 

Bo: Arturo Garrido Gomez

Frank: Fenton Zarlengo

Toni: Miriam Kubursi

Rhys: Matthew Ellis

Rachael: Nyx White

Cassidy: Rayla Chen

Take Me Out by Richard Greenberg, directed by Tim Farrell

Darren: Owen Fong

Kippy: Sean Lee

Skipper: Arez Rao

Jason: Rui Wang

Toddy: Tommy Mount

Mason: Lionel Humphreys

The Great Leap by Lauren Yee directed by Adrienne Yue

Saul: Zander Rosenzweig

Manford: Ethan Cheng

Wen Chang: Griffin Wu

What the Constitution Means to Me by Heidi Schrek directed by Sydney Cook

Heidi: Tamara Arad

Translations by Brian Friel directed by Kristen Lo

Can’t wait to work with all of you. The first rehearsal/read-through will be after school on Monday the 29th of August. Please bring a 3-hole binder for your script (which I have for you!)

Manus: Matt Herrema

Sarah: Jacqueline See-Tho

Jimmy Jack: Theo Waltuch

Maire: Abby Fitzpatrick

Doalty: Fae Crane

Bridget: Nina Rajwar

Hugh: Sydney Cook

Owen: Chloe Lee

Captain Lancey: Rahil Menon

Lieutenant Yolland: Connor Engstrom

Party People

Marlowe Ephron

Owen Humphreys

Noah Murase

Chania Rene Corail

Violeta Sedillo

Saumya Singhal