Jim Shelby’s Farewell
Party of the Century!
Many Thanks
Many thanks to everyone who attended Jim Shelby’s Farewell Party on August 14 from 6-10PM. It was a magical evening!
Please enjoy this Slide Show of Gunn Theatre through the years, put together by Kyle Brown.
Feel free to share a few words of appreciation, a favorite memory, and/or a photo of yourself with your Gunn theatre friends on Jim’s kudoboard here: https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/J9Y4Y1tw
Without help from the wonderful people listed below, we would not have enjoyed such a fabulous celebration. Thank you very much ….
First, and most importantly, to Jim Shelby, for your 38 years, and for giving us a reason to come together and celebrate.
Kristen Lo for co-hosting the evening and jumping in with such passion and energy to fill Jim’s big shoes.
Kristen Lo and Caitlin Gjerdrum, for organizing the entertainment for the evening, which was quite phenomenal.
Dan Nitzan, for providing the sound and lights -- amazing.
Kyle Brown, for scanning photos and creating the slide show.
All the performers for your talent and courage. You made the night exceptionally memorable for all.
Evan Kramer, who secured the proclamation from the California State Senate honoring Jim for his 38 years of public service.
The Thespian Board of 2021-22 -- Quincy Rosenzweig, Daniella Maor, Tanir Kranz, Jacqueline See-Tho, Chloe Lee, Katie Rueff, and Sofia Hussain, for helping with setup/clean up and decorating the venue.
A team of Gunn Theatre parents and former students who helped plan, set up, and run the event: Dena McLerran, Dakota Baker, Amy and Sophie Christel, Caitlin Gjerdrum, Anne Woodbury, Frank Declan, Dan Nitzan, Heidi Emberling, Charlotte Toksvig, and Vered Semel.
The Kim’s Cupbup, Mr. Softee, and Oaxacan Kitchen staff for providing delicious food and ice cream. Sophie Shillings, Dan Nitzen, and Dena McLerran for reserving the parking spots.
Katie Rueff for editing the Tribute Video which was gifted privately to Jim.
Quincy Rosenzweig for creating/updating the Jim Shelby Party page on the Gunn Theatre website.
Henry Alper for your digital piano and Penelope Van Tuyl for your movie projector.
Esteban the custodian and Cayla the Lucie Stern staff member, both of whom were super helpful.
Everyone who submitted videos for the Tribute, uploaded kind words/photos to the Kudoboard, and/or signed the guest book and Shakespeare Book, and everyone who came to the party to celebrate Jim!