Jim Shelby’s Farewell

Party of the Century!


Many Thanks

Many thanks to everyone who attended Jim Shelby’s Farewell Party on August 14 from 6-10PM. It was a magical evening!


Please enjoy this Slide Show of Gunn Theatre through the years, put together by Kyle Brown.

Feel free to share a few words of appreciation, a favorite memory, and/or a photo of yourself with your Gunn theatre friends on Jim’s kudoboard here:  https://www.kudoboard.com/boards/J9Y4Y1tw 

Without help from the wonderful people listed below, we would not have enjoyed such a fabulous celebration. Thank you very much ….

  • First, and most importantly, to Jim Shelby, for your 38 years, and for giving us a reason to come together and celebrate.

  • Kristen Lo for co-hosting the evening and jumping in with such passion and energy to fill Jim’s big shoes.

  • Kristen Lo and Caitlin Gjerdrum, for organizing the entertainment for the evening, which was quite phenomenal.

  • Dan Nitzan, for providing the sound and lights -- amazing.

  • Kyle Brown, for scanning photos and creating the slide show.

  • All the performers for your talent and courage. You made the night exceptionally memorable for all.

  • Evan Kramer, who secured the proclamation from the California State Senate honoring Jim for his 38 years of public service.

  • The Thespian Board of 2021-22 -- Quincy Rosenzweig, Daniella Maor, Tanir Kranz, Jacqueline See-Tho, Chloe Lee, Katie Rueff, and Sofia Hussain, for helping with setup/clean up and decorating the venue.

  • A team of Gunn Theatre parents and former students who helped plan, set up, and run the event: Dena McLerran, Dakota Baker, Amy and Sophie Christel, Caitlin Gjerdrum, Anne Woodbury, Frank Declan, Dan Nitzan, Heidi Emberling, Charlotte Toksvig, and Vered Semel.

  • The Kim’s Cupbup, Mr. Softee, and Oaxacan Kitchen staff for providing delicious food and ice cream. Sophie Shillings, Dan Nitzen, and Dena McLerran for reserving the parking spots.

  • Katie Rueff for editing the Tribute Video which was gifted privately to Jim.

  • Quincy Rosenzweig for creating/updating the Jim Shelby Party page on the Gunn Theatre website.

  • Henry Alper for your digital piano and Penelope Van Tuyl for your movie projector.

  • Esteban the custodian and Cayla the Lucie Stern staff member, both of whom were super helpful.

  • Everyone who submitted videos for the Tribute, uploaded kind words/photos to the Kudoboard, and/or signed the guest book and Shakespeare Book, and everyone who came to the party to celebrate Jim!