The story of Matthew Shepard broke headlines in 1998. A gay college student, he was kidnapped and beaten by two men, tied to a fence, and left to die in the outskirts of Laramie, Wyoming. The Laramie Project is a play by playwright Moises Kaufman and fellow members of the Tectonic Theater Project, based on more than 200 interviews with Laramie residents conducted during the year immediately following the crime. The Laramie Project asks how America can make sense of a hateful and violent act, and offers itself as a sublimely compelling answer to its own question.
Gunn Theatre is proud to tell this story, which, although more than two decades have passed since the original incident, has become, if possible, even more relevant and important today. With a cast of 17 performers playing more than 75 roles, Gunn’s powerful online production is an exciting exploration of essential and innovative story-telling in this age of the pandemic.
New York reviews in 2000 called The Laramie Project “the most significant new work of this theater season…”; “magnificent - a thrilling and adventurous blend of story-telling, documentary journalism, and spellbinding theatrical showmanship.” This show is one you will never forget, and is not to be missed!
(Parents please be advised that this show includes strong language and references to a brutal hate crime.)