
Tickets for Something Rotten performances coming soon

Tickets for all live-streamed performances of Gunn’s Student-Directed One Acts are completely FREE of CHARGE, but you must register in order to receive the webinar link. We also welcome your donations!

Registration Instructions:

  1. Fill out the form linked below with which date(s) you would like to attend the show.

  2. You’ll receive an email confirming your submission of the form.

  3. A day or two before the show date, you’ll receive an email from Gunn Theatre titled One Acts [Day of Show] Information with the webinar link.

  4. Save the webinar link and click on it the night of the show to attend.

There is mature content that will be announced during the show. Please understand that this content may be highly sensitive and inappropriate for younger audiences; it includes strong language and sexual violence. We hope this does not discourage your attendance, but rather that you make an educated decision on which shows you choose to watch! More information about the subject matter will be mentioned before the specific One Act during the show.


Student-directed One Acts:

  • May 5 (Wednesday) at 7:00pm

  • May 6 (Thursday) at 7:00pm

  • May 7 (Friday) at 7:00pm

  • May 8 (Saturday) at 7:00pm


Ticket FAQs

1. How long is the show? 

The show runs about 2.5 hours. 

2. Can I register for more than one show? 

Yes! You may attend as many performances as you like!

3. What should I do if I lose the email with the link?  

Don’t worry! You’ll receive an email reminder with the link one hour before the performance. (If you are not sure whether you received a link at all, complete a new webinar registration.)