Tickets for all live-streamed performances of the Laramie Project are completely FREE of CHARGE, but you must register in order to receive the webinar link. We also welcome your donations!
Parents please be advised that this show includes strong language and references to a brutal hate crime.
Registration Instructions:
Select (below) which performance you’d like to attend by clicking the underlined date.
Complete the Webinar Registration for that performance.
You’ll receive an email from Ms. Jen Ellington titled The Laramie Project/Performance [Date] Confirmation with the webinar link.
Save the webinar link and click on it the night of the show to attend.
Parents please be advised that this show includes strong language and references to a brutal hate crime.
The Laramie Project:
Click on the underlined date of the live-streamed performance you’d like to attend:
Fri, Nov 6 at 7:00pm (Opening Night Gala!)
Tim Farrell speaking at 7:00pm, show at 7:30pm
Sat, Nov 7 at 7:30pm
Thurs, Nov 12 at 7:00pm (Please note special start time. Talk back after the show.)
Fri, Nov 13 at 7:30pm
Sat, Nov 14 at 7:30pm (Closing Night!)